On Writing

I did it. Finally. I forked out the cash for Stephen King's On Writing. And since I paid full price, I decided I'd read every word. I didn't even make it past the forward(s)...there are 3...before I started underlining.

This read is going to be well worth the moolah.

So today, I've got 3 insights into writing from the 3 forwards of this how-to write classic...

"What made me think I had anything worth saying?"

Stephen Mega-zillion-bucks King struggles with self doubt?! Not only is that mind boggling but oddly comforting as well. In fact, if you don't have qualms about your writing, perhaps writing isn't the game for you to play.

"Fiction writers, present company included, don't understand very much about what they do--not why it works when it's good, not why it doesn't when it's bad."

Oh, we like to think we know (especially when we've got a blog about writing). But beyond the basic building blocks of writing, I think it comes down to voice. Either your voice resonates with others, or it doesn't. And voice isn't something that can be taught. But that's a whole other posting in and of itself.

"To write is human, to edit is divine."

Yes! I love editing. Editing is the spit shine, the polishing to a fine sheen of a roughed-out framework of words. It's like the Saturday of creation, all a-flurry with tweaking and cutting and arranging, then wham! It's Sunday. When you're finished editing a manuscript, you can finally sit back and say, "It is good." (note: I did NOT say it is perfect)

Stay tuned for more insights from the master author as I slowly read through On Writing.


Word Count: 44,443

Sentence of the Day: Millie's lips tightened into a thin line, not nearly as pretty as one of Emily's pouting poses--and for some reason, that pleased him.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


How Green is Your Grass?


Baseball and Monkey Wrenches