Dare I be so bold as to call myself an author? Being that I’m one of those freaks who attended poetry workshops instead of summer camp during my formative years, yes, I will.
While other teens busied themselves throwing parties when their parents weren’t home, I was the nerd holed up in my room with pen and paper.

A Relative
Relatives. Can’t shoot ’em. It’s against the law, although I bet my husband and four children have been tempted now and again to put me in their crosshairs. I’m a wife of thirty-something years and mother of two sons and two daughters. And yes, it’s true…boys are way easier than girls, unless drama is something you crave.
An Anti-Establishment Rabblerouser
I am one of those library-card wielding, mini-van driving, let’s-take-a-jaunt-to-the-grocery-store and call it a field trip kind of homeschoolers. But allow me this disclaimer: I don’t wear denim jumpers, and I farm out anything related to science or math. Bonus disclaimer: The last of my nestlings has flown the homeschooling nest and I’m now a crazy hippy homesteader.
A Princess
No, I’m not currently on medication for delusions of grandeur. I am a daughter of a King. Seriously. I take the Bible as inspired truth and that’s what it says (Romans 8:16, 17).
A Boxer Lover
I’m not talking Fruit of the Loom vs. Hanes. I’m talking stubby-tailed, fuzzy muzzled, bundles of face-licking love. As the great philosopher Groucho Marx once said, “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” The current love of my life is a 70-pound puppy named Westen—as in Michael Westen from Burn Notice.
An Anglophile
What’s the deal with me and Great Britain? Beats me. I’m as passionate about anything English as I am about chocolate and java. Oddly enough, I prefer Bronte over Austen, and if you’d like to debate the qualities of Typhoo versus PG Tips, feel free to e-mail me.
A Sci-Fi Geek
As a matter of fact, that was me squirreled away in the backseat of the school bus with my nose plastered in a Bradbury book. Throughout junior high, I escaped classmate alien abductions by reading Asimov, Vonnegut and Wells.
A Chef
Sorry, I did not graduate from the Cordon Bleu. I didn’t even cough up the cash to attend. I am, however, a veteran of once-a-month cooking, and you can be, too. Also, if you’d like to email me, I’ll send you my favorite brownie recipe. Just go to my contact page and gimme a holler.