Baseball and Monkey Wrenches

Obviously I didn't get a whole lot of writing done last week...physically, that is. But my mind never shut off.

I discovered a thousand stories in the corners of an ER waiting room, in the gentle handshake of a hospital chaplain, in the ringtone of a police officer's cell phone (theme from The Good, The Bad & The Ugly). I also discovered people have passionate opinions about whether a 91 year-old should be driving and that body language is sometimes more hurtful than words.

My word count didn't go up, but my life experiences increased exponentially...something I suspect will add a flavor boost to my current WIP.

Lesson learned?

When life throws a curveball into your planned writing schedule, snatch that ball and run with it.

Instead of fretting about "lost time" when a monkey-wrench fouls up the cogs of your writing plans, live in the moment. Soak in every experience (good and bad). Be there for the people you love.

When you do get back to your regularly scheduled programming, your writing will be all the richer for it.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

On Writing


Fun Friday Postponed