How Green is Your Grass?

I'm not a geek, but I married one. I mean that in the best sense possible...and no, it's not Seth Godin.

Occasionally hubby sends me links to techie sites. Sometimes they're funny, other times thought provoking. But there's one site he turned me on to that's a gem no matter what business you happen to be in.

Seth Godin has a lot to say about marketing and life in general, but more often than not, what he posts directly relates to writing. Here's an excerpt from one of his latest entries:

"If your happiness
is based on always getting a little more than you've got...

then you've handed control over your happiness to the gatekeepers, built a system that doesn't scale and prevented yourself from the brave work that leads to a quantum leap."

Think about it.

Do you honestly think you'll be happier when you land an agent?

Will it be the best day ever when an editor takes your manuscript to a pub board?

Does signing a contract with a major publisher mean you've 'arrived'?

Is Nirvana a 3-book deal?

As a writer, there's always going to be a carrot dangling in front of your face. But you know what? If you're focused on the carrot, it's really hard to see your computer screen, making writing a problem.

So my challenge for you today is to take delight in your current WIP, your crit partners, even your blogger buddies. Happiness isn't an event. It's a journey. Enjoy the ride.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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On Writing