What is Success?

Success isn't a sprint to a finish line…but what is it?

Instant success. Everyone wants it, whether they admit it out loud or not. Most people would even settle for near-future success, as long as they knew it would be attainable sooner rather than later. But success after decades? Or maybe not until just before you take your last breath? Yeah. That's not so popular.

But honestly, that's the way it sometimes is with writing. Unless you're one of the lucky few, born when all the stars were in perfect alignment, then success is going to be a long, slow, slog, taking all the stamina you think you've got. And more. Sounds kind of depressing, eh? Right again, buckaroo.

Unless you redefine success.

Success doesn’t just have to mean money or contracts or career. It's not winning awards or being famous. Those things are great, but they're not lasting. Valuing relationships over whatever it is you think you need to be successful is the first step toward redefining success. 

Smiles. Hugs. Encouragement. Love. These are the ingredients of a truly successful person.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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