The Bride of Blackfriars Lane

The Bride of Blackfriars Lane

A Romp Through Victorian London

Pull out your fling-dingle horns and bang on the kaploom-a-boom drums because today is a day of celebration…for a new book is born! Welcome to the reading world The Bride of Blackfriars Lane. Here’s a blurb:

Detective Jackson Forge can hardly wait to marry the street-sly swindler who's turned his life upside down. Kit Turner is equally excited to wed the handsome detective, and what better way to show her love than providing him with a gift any man of the law would love? She determines to bring to justice the men who years ago maimed his brother despite Jackson's warning to leave the past in the past. As she digs into the mystery of what happened, she unwittingly tumbles into her own history and endangers her future happiness with Jackson.

If you haven’t yet read the first book in the series, The Thief of Blackfriars Lane, don’t panic. Bride can be read as a standalone. Still, you could just go ahead and get it now at your favorite bookseller because it’s a fun romp through Dickensian London as well.

And in celebration of my fourteenth book on the ol’ bookshelf, sign up on the following Rafflecopter to try your hand at winning a signed copy of The Bride of Blackfriars Lane.

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