Sharing the Love of Books

Sharing the Love of Books

Here’s your chance to win signed copies of Brentwood’s Ward & The Innkeeper’s Daughter.

Spring has finally sprung here in the frozen tundra. I got out the ol' rake and actually was able to bag some leftover leaves from last fall. I did, however, have to skirt around a few snow piles that haven't quite melted yet. Regardless, you know what that means?

Summer is just around the corner! 

And that also means it's time to start thinking about what reads you'll be tossing into your beach bag. To kick off the upcoming summer season, I have yet one more giveaway for Brentwood's Ward and The Innkeeper's Daughter. You could be the lucky duck winner to have these 2 beauties nestled next to your sunscreen and beach towel. Enter the drawing to win and don't forget to share the love by telling your friends to sign up as well.

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