Top 5 Bookstore Secrets

Psst. Hey buddy. Step a little closer. Want to hear a secret? More specifically, want to hear some bookstore secrets? Have I got a list for you . . .

1. They know when you're using them to score a later deal on Amazon.
It's a dead giveaway when a shopper pulls out a cell phone and snaps a pic of the barcode and cover. Even more obvious when that shopper puts the book back on the shelf. That action is the big tipoff that the customer is clearly going to shop at Amazon to find a better deal.

2. Those new release tables and end caps are paid for.
The books that get the biggest floor space aren't all up in your business because they're someone's personal favorites. Publishers pay for that space. It's all about marketing, baby.

3. Some booksellers identify books by their smell.
Love the first whiff when you enter a bookstore? So do the booksellers, and some of them can even tell a Penguin from a Random House simply by the fragrance, which ranges from vanilla to almond or coffee.

4. Booksellers can tell a bookworm from a browser.
If a customer is nosing around in the cookbook or arts sections, they're probably a browser. A bookwork totes books around, touching them, stacking them, and eventually buying them.

5. They know which book is most likely to be stolen.
Do you know? Interestingly enough, it's a book that condemns thievery . . . the Bible.

Want to read more? Check out a larger list at Mental Floss.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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