Whether you're a reader or a writer, have I found a site for you to check out.

weBOOK  brings the best of both worlds together. Readers get to read. Writers get to write. Win, win, eh? Here's how it works . . .


There are three levels that an author's work can progress through. First you submit a page of your work then watch the ratings roll in.

After five weeks, if you receive high ratings, you'll be asked to submit fifty pages for -- you guessed it -- another round of ratings.

After three rounds of this, if you continue to score high, you're promoted to a pool of literary agents who just might sign you and land a great book deal.

You can also simply pitch a plot idea or get feedback for a bugaboo in your plot.


Choose a genre and read the first page of a wannabe published author, then rate it.
You can compare your rating to those of other peers and professionals.
Follow your favorite authors to see if they make it through all three levels and eventually on to publication.

So, how much does all this cost? Nothing, for readers. For writers, it's usually a $3.95 submission fee, but woo-hoo and Hallelujah! They're running a special freebie submission offer right now, so get yourself over there while the getting is good.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


How Long Does it Take to Write a Novel?

