How Long Does it Take to Write a Novel?

Some questions are hard to answer, like what's the square root of a bajillion or what nutmeats do rock badgers prefer? Ask me something like that and I'll give you the stupid-faced-open-mouthed-roly-poly-eyeballs kind of look because honestly, I don't know.

But ask me how long it takes for me to write a book, and I'll still hesitate to answer. Not because I don't know the answer. I know exactly how many minutes I've banged my head against the wall for every plot point and word I've typed. When I'm asked this question, I pause because I'm usually studying the asker's face, trying hard to discern what it is the person really wants to know and wishing I could do a Vulcan mind meld to find out.

Because really, when someone asks me how long it takes for me to write a book, they really want to know how long it's going to take them to write a book, and as awesome as I am, I cannot answer that for anyone but myself.

Here's the deal . . . every writer is different. Some people pound out a story in six weeks. Other's take five years. You can't measure yourself against either of those because on one hand, you'll feel like horse hockey if you can't whip out a novel in little over a month, or else your pride will swell to sinful-burn-in-hell proportions if you can finish one in under half a decade.

What I'm saying is there is no answer to this question. I can share how long it takes me (ten months to a year) but that is completely meaningless when it comes to how fast another writer takes. The bottom line is forget about the time frame and just write. The novel will be finished when it's finished, then -- and only then -- can you answer that question for yourself.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

True Confessions: I'm a Polygamist
