Readers Anonymous

**steps up to podium, clears throat excessively, looks deep within to pony up any scraps of courage lying about, nears microphone, and -- makes everyone cringe from the feedback**

"Hello. My name is Michelle, and I am a reader."

Yep. There you have it. I said it out loud. I have a reading problem. From the backs of cereal boxes to War and Peace, if there are words in front of me, I will read them. Do you suffer from the same lack of self control? Then guess what sugar puff, you just may be addicted as well.

10 Signs You Are Addicted to Reading

1. You've been known to turn down a rollicking night out on the town so you can stay at home in your yoga pants and read a book.

2. Your idea of a rollicking night out is going to a bookstore.

3. Your mid-afternoon slump isn't caused by a morning doughnut binge but from staying up too late reading "just one more chapter."

4. Long car rides or airplane flights are just fine with you because, hey, you've got a loaded Kindle and you know how to use it.

5. No one -- I mean NO one -- disses your favorite authors and walks away without a fat lip.

6. You already know the book is better before you've seen the movie.

7. You carry around an emergency book in case social engagements turn awkward or boring.

8. Book hangovers (the depression that follows the end of a fantastic read) are a way of life.

9. Even if you live to 102, there's no way you'll ever read all the books you've got squirreled away in your house.

10. Vacations are for one thing: reading.

If you resonate with more than half the items on this list, then you are officially a bookaholic. You might want to get some help. Just sayin'.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

5 Common Word Conundrums

