Yeah...What She Said

I came across some great writerly advice from author Beth Moore on the Living Proof Ministries blog. Here it is in a nutshell...

Writing a book will be harder than you think and take longer than you want.

You very often will lose passion for the project somewhere in the middle of it.

You have to factor in more than writing time. (Example: research)

Panic only exacerbates inevitable waves of writer’s block.

Do the work.

God will most often take the message we’re writing and prove us genuine by hammering the themes relentlessly on the anvil of our souls.

Submit to the angst of decent editing.

That, my friends, is some spot on advice that I intend to listen to. How about you?

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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Killing Perfectionism