Got Anything Quote Worthy To Say???

Yesterday, not only did I write a dismal 148 words for NANOWRIMO, but more importantly, I came across a super-freaky fun-fun-FUN website that I've just got to pass along to you.

You know those cool quotes that everyone pins on Pinterest? I've often wondered how to create those,  I mean other than ask my teenager to do it for me. Now I know. Check out Recite This. Just type in a quote you've written yourself, hit create, and voila. Your words in quote format cute enough to pin.

Here's one I whipped out...

So go for it. I'm sure you'll see me there. I have a feeling I'll be hanging out there a lot.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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Yeah...What She Said