Staying in the Black

DAY 19

Word Count: 12344

Sentence of the Day: The tilt of her head was their mother' if not heeded, often earned him the switch.

Why is writing at home so hard?! Even when kids and hubby are gone, I'm just flat-out not as productive. I suppose it could be the piles of laundry. The dishes in the sink. The dogs who need to go out plus the ringing of the phone.

All that to say, I only wrote 24 words on my manuscript today. Yep, that's not a typo. A measly 24...on the actual document, that is. But in the wonder world of my little brain, I finally figured out some key plot points and mapped them out, revamping the synopsis.

And speaking of's mine. When writing a first draft, don't be so rigid that you can't change your mind on the direction of the story. If you find yourself zigging when you should be zagging, cut off the dead weight and fly at a different altitude.

Of course I wish I'd written more today, but on the upside, at least the ol' word count didn't go in the red.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Just the Facts, Ma'am


Of Lollipops, Rainbows, and Fluff