Just the Facts, Ma'am

DAY 20

Word Count:

Sentence of the Day: Rule three is never, ever fall in love with me.

Remember when I said how much I love research? Yeah, well there's a razor-edged line between love and hate. Today's one of those dang-it-I-need-to-know-such-and-such-before-I-can-write-my-scene kind of days.

So just in case you're writing a Regency and wondered if your heroine could actually see the hero's face inside the carriage while tooling down a London Street in the evening, the answer is probably yes. Not clearly. Somewhat shadowed, but there were indeed oil streetlights with reflectors that made traveling to and from the entertainment of choice possible.

Here's a link to one of my sources and is indeed a fantastic Regency site with tons o' juicy tidbits (and not just about lighting):

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


Organized Chaos


Staying in the Black