
I know. I know. I said I'd never blog. Everybody and their dog has a blog, so what in the world could I possibly have to say that anyone would be interested in reading? Is it seriously crucial information to know that I ate frozen pizza for din din last night or that my dachsund threw up on the rug?

That being said, here I am. Which begs the question...what's the point of Writer Off The Leash?

I'm embarking on a journey and this is my travel journel. Here I will share my thoughts, experiences, and gut reactions from start to finish of a novel.

If you're a wannabe author interested in the process, or merely a curious onlooker that loves gawking at train wrecks, this is the place for you. Hang on to your hats. Here we go.


Word Count: 0

Sentence of the Day:

Established a blog site. Obviously you've found it. Can't figure out how to customize the stupid background. Note to self: corner a teenager today and have them change it for me.

Today my plan is to come up with some kind of story line. A synopsis, so to speak. My research assets to date are Viking era, medieval, and Regency. I figure I'll stick with one of those so this go-around I don't have to recreate the wheel. Since medievals and Vikings are tough-if-not-impossible to sell, I'll pick door number two: Regency.

Interests: Bow Street Runners, tunnels beneath London, indentured servants, Bethlem Royal Hospital (Bedlam), Newgate/Bridewell, Tiburn jails

Being that I've just used up an hour of my time figuring how to get this far on the blog, that's enough for today.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Blogdom's Not So Scary


The Intersection of Life and Writing