Blogdom's Not So Scary

Day 2

Word Count: 0

Sentence of the Day:

You'll notice my word count is still at zero. Yep. Still haven't officially started chapter 1. I did, however, get my back cover copy written and half the synopsis.

My new dapper hero is Nicholas Brentwood. Haven't figured out what he looks like yet, but you can bet he's drop-dead hunka-hunka. He's got a past as treacherous as the gin-crazed streets of 18th century London, but never fear...he's God's man now and a lawman to boot.

Hayley Sedgwick, however, is a whole different animal. She's a spoiled rich girl who's daddy is up to no good. But as long as he supplies her every need, she doesn't care a flying fat rat what he does.

Life will get interesting when Brentwood is assigned as her bodyguard, eh?

So that's where I'm at. Tune in tomorrow for more of the saga. Wait a minute. I teach tomorrow. Writing time might be a little scrunched. Hmm.

Tune in tomorrow for a whole new segment: Surprise of the Day. Not sure what that is yet, but hey...that's what surprises are all about.

One last thing. I see the potential for boatloads of bantering with my commenters, so feel free to comment away. I'll answer you back, sometimes promptly, always irreverently.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

