Three Writerly Lessons from the Presidential Election

Today's a historic day. Finally, after a never-ending campaign eternity, we will have some resolution as to who will usher our country into the zombie apocalypse: a puffy oompaloompa who looks like he's been dipped in orange Kool-Aid, or a screechy criminal with a serious hacking issue (both computer and lung-wise).

But enough of my offensive opinions. Despite all the vitriol slathered around by pretty much everyone, there are some writerly lessons to be learned from this election season . . .

Sometimes You Gotta Fight

Newsflash: critique buddies and editors at publishing houses are not God. While it is wise to carefully consider changes to your manuscript, sometimes you need to dig in your heels and stand up for what you wrote and say why. Respectfully, of course.

Be Prepared Before You Go Public

How about that first debate? Or the second? Did you even make it to the third? Debates require preparation beforehand, and so does your story. Before you sit down to write a rough draft, know the beginning from the end. Have a plan of how you're going to get from point A to B. Do some research on the era, the area, or anything else that requires fact-checking. And for goodness sake, before you show your work to an editor or agent, go over the thing with a fine-toothed comb.

Watch Your Tone

No one likes to hear a ranting politician. No one wants to hear you sniping about a bad review or an editor or agent you feel snubbed you. The publishing industry is a small universe. Be careful about what venom you spew because it could come back to poison your career.

Take these lessons to heart and you'll be well on your way to getting yourself elected to the publishing realm. But besides that, are you doing your part to make history today? If you haven't voted yet, what are you waiting for? Do your civic duty, little cowboy and go vote.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

The Wattys 2016


First Draft Manifest: An Infographic