Fiction Friday: The INSPY Short List

An award by readers for readers of inspirational fiction.

Summer is almost here. Why not use an award list as a guide for your summer reading pleasure? Yeah, I knew you couldn't think of a reason. So here you go, now get yourself to a bookstore.


Contemporary Romance & Romantic Suspense

– A New Shade of Summer (Waterfall Press) by Nicole Deese

– Then There Was You (Bellbird Press) by Kara Isaac

– Jane of Austin (Waterbrook) by Hillary Manton Lodge

– True to You (Bethany House) by Becky Wade

– Just Look Up (Tyndale) by Courtney Walsh

Debut Fiction

– Still Waters (Firefly Southern Fiction) by Lindsey P. Brackett

– Freedom’s Ring (Tyndale) by Heidi Chiavaroli

– Count Me In (I21 Publishing House) by Mikal Dawn

– Lady Jayne Disappears (Revell) by Joanna Davidson Politano

– Stars in the Grass (Shiloh Run Press) by Ann Marie Stewart

General Fiction

– Perennials (Thomas Nelson) by Julie Cantrell

– A Trail of Crumbs: A Novel of the Great Depression (Kregel) by Susie Finkbeiner

– Life After (Waterbrook) by Katie Ganshert

– The Space Between Words (Thomas Nelson) by Michele Phoenix

– The Austen Escape (Thomas Nelson) by Katherine Reay

Historical Romance

– A Note Yet Unsung (Bethany House) by Tamera Alexander

– The Road to Paradise (Waterbrook) by Karen Barnett

– Many Sparrows (Waterbrook) by Lori Benton

– A Lady in Disguise (Howard) by Sandra Byrd

– A Moonbow Night (Revell) by Laura Frantz

Young Adult

– The Returning (Tyndale) by Rachelle Dekker

– Unraveling (Thomas Nelson) by Sara Ella

– For Love and Honor (Zondervan) by Jody Hedlund

– The Lost Girl of Astor Street (Blink) by Stephanie Morrill

– The Evaporation of Sofi Snow (Thomas Nelson) by Mary Weber


– The Enoch Effect (Waterfall Press) by Rick Acker

Death at Thorburn Hall (Bethany House) by Julianna Deering

– Crown of Souls (Bethany House) by Ronie Kendig

– A Portrait of Vengeance (Thomas Nelson) by Carrie Stuart Parks

– Imperfect Justice (Thomas Nelson) by Cara Putman

Speculative Fiction

– Raging Storm (Harvest House) by Vannetta Chapman

– The Divide (Tyndale) by Jolina Petersheim

– The Beast of Talesend (Indie) by Kyle Robert Schultz

– The Girl Who Could See (Indie) by Kara Swanson

– King’s Blood (Bethany House) by Jill Williamson

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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