Feeling Creative is a Myth

“Have no fear of perfection, 
you’ll never reach it.” 
—Salvador Dali

In order to meet my deadlines and fulfill my contracts, I have to write 5 days a week, without fail, sit my rumpus in a chair and pound out a chapter a day.

What's your response to that?

Usually I get, “But what if you don't feel like writing? It's not like you can flip a switch and turn on creativity, right?"

Well . . . to some extent, that's true. I personally don't have an on/off switch on any of my body parts. But yes indeed, you can write and/or create without feeling particularly creative.

How does one accomplish this? By kicking perfection to the curb. If you put off writing until a flow of perfectly awesome words comes to mind, you'll never finish a manuscript, because here's the deal . . . Writing isn't about perfection. 

It's about getting words on paper, and that has nothing to do with "feeling" creative. Pry your grasping fingers off that myth and slap them on a keyboard instead. Today is the day to create, whether you feel like it or not.

What? You're still here? Go. Write.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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