Anti Gossip
Not all whispers or things spoken in secret are wicked.
Every now and then I get a flash of insight. Call it a message from God or merely the last word from one too many bean burritos, whatever, the fact remains that occasionally a truth pops up that I never noticed before.
A past example was in June. I was tooling throughout the Adirondacks when my mental image was shattered. Not that it isn't as beautiful as I imagined, mind you, but the real eye opener was that there were no Adirondack chairs. I kid you not. Honestly, I was kind of disappointed with that truth.
Adirondacks Sans Chairs
Another stunning insight happened on that same research trip. Call me an idiot, but I never made the connection between buffalo wings, as in the tasty appetizer, and Buffalo, New York. Did you know that's where they originated? Sounds like a trick question, but it's not. And if you are in the Buffalo area and are looking for the best wings, give Gabriel's Gate a whirl. It's not much to look at on the outside, but you won't care once you sink your teeth into some of their wings.
Gabriel's Gate has the tastiest wings in Buffalo.
It's easier to discover new truths such as wings and chairs when you're on vacation, so it's especially satisfying when you discover a nugget at home during your usual routine. Today I was hanging out in Luke when I read this:
Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. (Luke 12:2,3 ESV)
Yes, of course I've read this before, like a zillion times. You probably have too. But the thing is that I've always thought of this in the negative. You know, be careful what you say because it will get around. Today, however, I read it backwards. Not literally but as in the positive. What if I whispered truth, just a nugget, and that were spread around? What if I spoke of God's love into someone's very dark night and it wasn't just heard there but everywhere?
It's a stunning truth that what you say matters, even the snippets of scripture you share that seem like a waste of time because who's going to listen to you? Apparently everyone, for what you've spoken in the dark will be proclaimed on the housetops.
So here's my challenge to you (and me) today...speak a little truth, a little encouragement, a little of God's word via a whisper, a text, an email. Especially in today's current environment, that's the kind of truth that needs to be spread around instead of gossip.