A Writerly Pep Talk

Take risks with your writing. Just make sure you run it by some critique partners before showing it to the world. Sometimes you'll crash and burn. Other times it will be awesome.
Write the best you possibly can. Sure, over the years this will change, but today just write the best you can for today.
You can't edit a blank page. Write something. Anything. You can always go back and fix it later.
Enjoy where you're at right now, be it rookie wannabe writer, a mid-list author with questionable sales, or a rockstar of the publishing industry. There's always something to strive for no matter what level you're at, so take a deep breath and live in the moment.
Write like you because you are you. You're not J.K. Rowling or Vince Flynn. Be you.
Those are ll the things I did to write Out of the Frying Pan. Snatch up your $7.95 copy at Amazon or take your chances and enter the Rafflecopter drawing.
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