
No, that title isn't a typo. I'm not speaking in tongues. I didn't slug back one too many Buds yesterday at my BBQ because I don't even like beer. Nasty, vile liquid. Oops. That probably just cost me a few home-brewing fans.

Anyway, you've all heard of NaNoWriMo because you're savvy Writer Off the Leash readers that know it means national novel writing month . . . but that doesn't happen until November so don't panic yet. Today, though, I'm introducing you to a new, geeky celebration of writing that marries technical wizardry with prose. And so, I bring to you (cue the excessive tooty-horns and drum roll)

Yeah, it's a spin-off of NaNoWriMO and it means National Novel Generating Month. Computer nerds spend the month writing code that will generate a 50,000 word novel. At the end of the month they share the novel created by the code. It's all about algorithms (whatever that is) instead of words, because it's actually the computer that creates the words. How that works beats me, but apparently it's intriguing enough to have people give it a whirl once a year.

Code may not create the most spellbinding story you've ever read, but it does expand resources for an author (of words) to use. One guy is working on a program that will first generate a plausible outline for a short story. Then the outline will be used for fleshing out the plot that filters out "uninteresting ideas."

Hmm. After just spending a week brainstorming a few plots, let me tell ya, I'd be the first in line to try that little beauty.

For more details, check out Structure in Computer-Generated Novels.

And don't forget there's only 2 days left to enter the Kindle Giveaway . . .
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Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

A Poetic Lesson


Happy 4th You Traitorous Colonials