Hang in There Little Champion

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit”

I'm always nervous when I sit down to offer feedback on an aspiring writer's first chapter. Inevitably there will be some pretty big fixes that are needed, and that can suck the can-do marrow right out of a newbies bones.

The hard, cold truth is that your first manuscript will likely not ever get published. There's too much to learn. Too much to know and do and weave together. It takes time and tears and lots and lots of blood.

But if you persevere, I promise you it's worth it, and not just for holding a book in your hand with your name on the cover (though that is a nice perk). It's worth it because you know in your gut you accomplished something that scads of others have tried yet quit because the going got tough.

So hang in there. Never stop writing. Never stop learning. Never stop risking and falling and skinning your writerly knees. Eventually it will pay off, if not monetarily, at least in satisfaction and self-respect.

But here's something that's not so hard. Sign up to win a freebie of the soon-to-release COURAGEOUS BRIDES COLLECTION.

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Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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