Bigger and Better

No, I do not self-identify with being a bearded young man.
I couldn't get my phone to sync with my for-real photos.
But you've got to admit he's a happy little writer, eh?
I'm on a writing retreat this week, dreaming up a new story. More on that in another post (cue evil laughter). See that smoke curling out my ears? That's what happens when the gears get clogged with scheming up plot twists. I don't want to write just any story. I want to write one that readers go, "Whoa, baby! Hot dang! Did NOT see that one coming."

But why not do that with a blog post as well? Alrighty. Let's give it a whirl.

The contest for the pre-release signed copy THE COURAGEOUS BRIDES collection is finished, and the lucky winner is (drum roll please) . . .


Woo-hoo! Blow the wing-dinglers and dance the fandango--unless, of course, that's against your religion. Anyhoo, here's where today's plot twist comes in. Just when you're all mopey faced because doggone it you didn't win and you super wanted to, I've got a whole other contest for you to enter that's even bigger and better.

You heard me.



So here it is. Your chance to win a Kindle WITH The Courageous Brides Collection already loaded on it. Go ahead and enter. Play safe and share. Plus you might want to slap on a helmet there, little Hoss, so you don't bump your noggin.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Sometimes a Superhero Cape is Needed


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