Trending Websites

post by Michelle Griep
Usually writers write. But there are times that writers go off-roading on the internet and stumble across some pretty sweet sites. I am one of those writers. Hey. Quit judging. I'm going to share those sites with you . . .

This is kind of like Pinterest on steroids. Basically it's DIY's with pictures and instructions from people all over the world. Some projects are super hard. Others easy. It includes pretty much anything you can think of from building your own dune buggy to how to scramble a perfect egg.

Speaking of steroids, what if Wikipedia got pumped up? Well, it would turn into this site. Anything, anyone, pretty much any any can be found here. It's a ginormous database that let's you explore whatever topic or person you're interested in.

Been writing or reading all day and you haven't been to the grocery store in over a month? Pop on over to My Fridge Food and enter the few ingredients that you do have on hand. With a click of the button, voila . . . instant ideas for a meal.

Ever go to a website and the dang thing just won't pull up? Is it your computer? Your router? Your server? Your neolithic technological skills? Or maybe it's not you and it's simply down for everyone in the world, which would make you feel a lot better. This site let's you know.

Umm. Need I say more? Okay, I will. This is freakishly addicting.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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