5 Motivational Writer Hacks

post by Michelle Griep
The first week of NaNoWriMo is drawing to a close. Some have already crashed and burned in a fiery explosion of defeat. Others are limping along, hoping to make it but wondering if they've got what it takes. That's who this post is for. The dragging. The lame. Those with the sweet-mercy-I'm-going-to-fail demon screaming in their ears. Here's a lifeline for you. Grab on.


Play some music.
There's a reason movies have soundtracks. It's inspirational. Put some moving music on in the background while you write.

Shut off the internet. 
Facebook, Twitter, Drudge, YouTube . . . these are the giant, sucking leaches draining your creativity. Stop the madness. Shut off your WiFi connection.

Take a walk.
Staring at a screen for hours on end isn't healthy. Stretch your legs while you work out a plot point. Breathe in some fresh air when fleshing out a quirky character.

Question: who can think straight when careening through life on only a few hours of sleep?
Answer: no one

Psych yourself up.
Don't just walk away from the keyboard when you've finished today's word count. Think about tomorrow's. Rev yourself up about the next scene. If you're not excited to write it, your reader won't be excited to read it.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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