Why is There a Lampshade on My Head?

The blogaversary blowout continues today. Surely you're not too pooped to party yet, right?

Let's begin with an archived writing tip from 2011:

The trick of taking criticism is to move beyond the initial face-slapping sting and unearth the truth nugget. There's always something to be learned -- unless you're a teenager . . . in which case you know it all.

Yes, indeedy. Even in the one-star reviews there's usually something to glean. But if you want to avoid harsh reviews and/or critiques, it can help to polish up your craft.

And do I have a dealio for you. As the blogaversary continues, Writer Off the Leash: Growing in the Writing Craft is on sale for the first time ever! Okay, so it's only been out for six months, but still . . . just sayin'. Here's a LINK.

And don't forget to leave a writing tip in the comment section to have your name tossed into the hat to win one of three books: Brentwood's Ward, A Heart Deceived, or Writer Off the Leash, or simply enter via the Rafflecopter doohickey.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


Exclamation Marks, Cupcakes, and Yoga Pants: Indeed, the Party Continues


Blogaversary Blowout