Trekkie Writing Opportunity

Yes, I got permission to use this. Sheesh.
Okay. I'll admit it. My aspirations as a young girl were to grow up to be Lt. Uhura from Star Trek. Two problems with that though . . . I'm not black and my thighs are way too big to look great in a short, red communications uniform.


So instead I became a writer, but I'm still a Trekkie at heart. And if you are too, have I found an opportunity for all of us!

The Strange New Worlds Writing Contest is now in full swing. Celebrating Star Trek's 50th Anniversary, Simon & Schuster is breathing new life into this popular fan fiction contest.

The ten lucky winners will be published into an all new anthology to be put out in 2016. The deadline is January 15th. For full details of the contest, click HERE.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

What Makes a Romantic Scene Romantic?


Writing Advice in Six Words