Happy National Dictionary Day!

post by Michelle Griep
This is it! Today's the day! Can you feel the excitement vibrating in the air? Bookish nerds all across the nation are joining hands and leaping with gazelle-like abandon because it's National Dictionary Day.

Yeah. I know. Right?

In honor of the day, however, I thought I'd share the most recent list of words that readers look up on their Kindle dictionary as they're reading. Would you have to look up any of these . . .
accipitrine, fantods, shufti, apish amore, scarfpin, vulpine, hifalutin, susurrus, caliginous, bristliness, chilblained, crepuscle, tenebrific, brumous, susurration, crapulent, frangipanni, megrims, gobsmacked, malacologist, susurrant, minacious, repechage, shan’t, ensorcelled, callipygous, bloviate, snogging, spavined, subfusc, discombobulated, susurrous, cojones, priapic, uxoriously, uxorious, concupiscent, aurochs, chuffed, precipitance, emulously, winceyette, cachinnate, hamartia, preternaturally, bacchanalia, defenestrate, copacetic, kerfuffle, fugly, tenebrous, avuncular, vermiculated, pickelhaube, tsuris, plagiaristic, addlepated, pusillanimously, ursine, gallimaufry, japery, starkers, towheaded, insouciant, epicanthic, druthers, plangent, gelid, underbred, pullulation, rictus, oleaginous, treacly, oubliette, louche, fuggy.
I'd have to look them all up except for hifalutin, preternaturally, kerfuffle, addlepated, and underbred. Hmm. That means there's a lot of words I don't know.

Guess I'd better crack open a dictionary.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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