What Kind of Reader Are You?

Readers are not created equally. They come in all sizes and shapes, with quirks, warts, and sometimes a hyena-type laugh. Which one of the following readers are you?

Book Abuser
You underline. You dog ear. You lug your book from dining room table to coffee shop to bathtub, folding, spindling, and mutilating the pages. You'll lend books to a three-year-old or a St. Bernard because you love to share your love of reading.

Book Lover
Plastic covers every pristine book that you own, and there's not a cracked spine in the bunch. On the off-chance that someone handles your book without first suiting up in a haz-mat suit, you'll buy a new copy of the book.

Compulsive Bookie
This has nothing to do with gambling, or even with anyone named Vito. This category has to do with the purchasing of books, any time, anywhere, for any reason, whether there's money in your bank account or not. You can't help yourself. If there's a book for sale, you will buy it.

Book Burglar
You borrow books from friends, family, the library, waiting rooms, whatever. It doesn't matter where you get them because you will not ever return them. Ever.

Book Savior
It's a sin for anyone to throw away a book, so you save it. Your garage and basement space suffer for this. Shoot, even your closet space is crammed full of books, making it difficult for you to find a clean shirt to wear.

True confession time: I'm a Book Abuser. Yes, seriously. I need help.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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