Need Some Therapy?

I read a news article the other day that claimed reading can help relieve stress. Well, duh. This is news? Apparently bibliotherapy is all the rage as a form of psychological treatment to promote healing. But it got me curious about what other kinds of therapies are out there, so I did a little research . . .

Coma Therapy
In 1927, Dr. Manfred Sakel accidentally put one of his patients into a coma. When the patient (who was also a morphine addict) woke up, suddenly her cravings were gone. So he tried it again with another addict, and voila. Instant cure for addiction . . . for those who lived through it, anyway.

Rotational Therapy
This little gem of a treatment straps the patient down on a board and spins them around. Originally this was used for mental disorders, but it was found that it's really good for treating respiratory illnesses.

Urine Therapy
Eew. You really want me to explain this one?

Snake Therapy
Anyone up for a snake massage? Of course, if snakes are a huge fear of yours, this probably won't work out so great to relax you.

Theoretically, scraping or rubbing a coin against the body is supposed to cure fever, colds or pain. Personally, you might just want to use those coins to pick up some ibuprofen.

Bee Sting Therapy
Bee venom contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help with diseases such as arthritis. I'm not convinced that getting stung hurts any less than that, though.

Rebirthing Therapy
This one involves lots of breath work. This breathing supposedly allows one to let go of current problems by recalling aspects of birth to release unwanted emotions.

I know. Right? Weird. Interesting, though, that I didn't come across any Ben & Jerry's therapy. Hey, maybe I should invest in a freezer, put up a shingle and an open sign, and see what happens. Want an appointment?

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.



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