It's Normal to Feel Like a Loser

So you're writing a novel, la-de-dah. Typing away like a rock star. Day after day after day.

After day.

And then, out of nowhere, whap! A horrific thought slaps you upside the head, yanking you out of the story and paralyzing you so that your daily word count takes a serious nosedive. Suddenly you wonder if you're an author, that maybe all the things you write are just slobbery bits of drivel bubbling out of you. Panic sets in. Perhaps you're not a for-real writer. Maybe you're an imposter. A poser. An orangutan mimicking kissy noises in front of a mirror. Or worse -- maybe the zombie apocalypse really did happen and you're nothing but a body operating on rote memory because shoot, if you read what you've written, those words certainly look like a person with no brain wrote them.

Or maybe you're just a loser.

Never fear, little writer. I'm here to tell you that you're not a loser. You're normal. Every writer hits this point at some time in every single manuscript they write -- and sometimes more than once. Hating your writing and feeling like pond scum is par for the course. Why?

Because creation is the process of making something out of nothing, and that something takes blood, sweat, and tears to mold into a beautiful masterpiece. 

Think about this . . . Babies don't pop out of their mothers all smiley faced and swaddled in fluffy rubber ducky blankies. They come out screaming and howling, all mucked up with oobie-goobies and require a good cleaning and lots of love. You don't think that mom had second doubts during the heat of labor? She'd have packed up and gone home at that point if she could.

That's how it works for your story, too. Don't pack it up. Press on through the birth pains. Push out that ugly butt story so that it can be cleaned off and wrapped up into a beautiful book cover.

The only way out is through, folks, no matter how you feel. Take your hand off your forehead (yes, I see that big "L" you're making with your forefinger and thumb) and get those fingers on your keyboard instead.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Price of Privilege


Amateur Hacks