A Strategy for Becoming Anti-Social

I've got some exciting -- as in blow-the-wang-doodlers-and-kick-up-your-heels kind of exciting -- news that's about to hit the fan sometime soon. Don't worry. I'll warn you first so you can suit up in a plastic poncho.

Anyway, the dealio for me is that I've worked myself into a corner in which I must suddenly become anti-social because I need gobs of alone time. Sure, I could just quit showering and eat garlic at every meal, but honestly, my family has banned me from that maneuver. It didn't go over so well last time I tried it. And so instead, I give you . . .

3 Tips to Become Anti-Social

Step Away From the Internet
As great as the wonderful world wide web can be, the flip side is that it's a giant, sucking, creepy monster making sloppy wet smacking noises every time it hoovers up minutes of your life. If you've got an internet twitch that makes you check your email or Facebook or iwastesomuchtime, then it might be worth it to invest a few bucks over at Freedom or Anti-Social. These are just a few sites that are set up to block digital distractions.

Say No
I'm from Minnesota. Minnesotans are nice. Therefore, I should be nice and never turn anyone down, right? Uh, no. As hard as this is to grasp, saying no is sometimes the nicest thing you can do, especially if you've made a commitment elsewhere and get sidetracked from keeping that commitment.

Stick to Your Schedule
Unless the zombie apocalypse breaks loose, force yourself to accomplish your task, whatever it may be. Write it onto your daily planner, in blood if you must, and just do it. No, really. Just freaking do it. You're the only one who can make yourself accomplish what you've set out to do, so don't go blaming others or busyness or Bush. Just. Do. It.

Those are a few ideas I'll be trying during this crazy season. What are some of your favorite ways to become anti-social?

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


5 Non-Negotiable Hero Traits

