A Literary Dream Home

Even if you're not currently on the market for a new house, you might want to be . . . if you happen to have $3.9 million laying around, that is. The house that inspired The Great Gatsby, the very home that F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda lived in, located in Great Neck, New York, is for sale. Curious to see some pix? Click HERE.

I probably won't be making an offer, but it did get me to thinking what would the ultimate literary dream home look like? What kind of extras would it have?

With a mandatory roly-poly ladder and wingback chairs.

Coffee Station
A cute, little French press and espresso counter in the kitchen.

For all the kinks incurred by sitting in front of a keyboard all day.

Mullioned Windows
Preferably overlooking a garden with plenty of pathways.

Window Seats
Perfect for day dreaming.

Brick Walls covered with Ivy
On the outside, of course. 

For those cold and dreary days, there's no better place to cozy up and ponder.

Wrap Around Porch
With plenty of rocking chairs and swings. And don't forget ferns.

Secret Passages
Just because.

That's my list. What's on your literary dream home list? Leave your ideas in the comment section.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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