Yawning: The Cure For Creativity

Usually right when I'm about to fall asleep, BAM! That's when I get a great story idea or character twist and my eyes pop open. What's up with that?

Science. No really, it's a scientific principle. Studies (like this and this . . . see? I'm not making this stuff up.) show that when you're bored or relaxed, new ideas are more easily generated. Here's how it works:

  • taking a break or being bored signals to your brain that you need fresh ideas
  • new ideas are generated because your brain is looking for stimulation via solutions

Turns out our grey matter has a few different modes. There's a Focused Mode when you learn new things and a Diffused Mode when you relax. It's in the diffused mode that you're most creative.

But I know, I hear you. "Michelle! I can't go nodding off mid-afternoon just to come up with the fix for my plot problem. Sheesh. Some of us have to actually work, not nap." Good news little cowboys! It turns out that this creativity boost works if you simply take a break, which totally backs up my go-take-a-walk theory. Just getting outside for a short jaunt around the block can get the old creative juices flowing again. Proof is here.

So next time your writing hits the wall, don't panic. Just grab your satin-edged blankie and close your eyes or tie on your hiking boots and hoof it outside. A new idea is bound to pop up when you're not straining so hard to create one.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.




A Visit to the Writers' Market