A Library Made of Books

I've never really wanted to visit San Francisco. I've heard it's expensive. Riding streetcars up and down huge hills would make me throw up out the window. And it's chilly there, never getting hot enough to feel like a summer vacation. But (and I've always got a big but) the temptation to toodle over there this June is nudging me in that direction.

This summer at the Bay Area Book Festival, a non profit art group (the FLUX Foundation) will build a library entirely out of books. It's called the Lacuna and will be constructed out of 50,000 books which have been donated. That means it's free, folks. Like not only entrance, but pulling books out of the wall is at no charge as well. Sweet deal!

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Dude! The thing will collapse if everyone starts yanking out books!" Don't panic. It does have some structure beneath all the books, such as shelves and guidewires holding things up. The concept is that as books are removed, the structure will change into an entirely new design. Gaps in the walls will change the way light and sound filter in. It's kind of an evolutionary building. In their own words:
"Lacuna is a library where the process of taking out a book shifts
 and re-shapes the very structure in which those books are contained."

Sounds like a unique library worth visiting. So hey, if you do, fling me some pix and I'll post them here at Writer Off the Leash.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


Brainstorm in Moderation

