Want to Win Some Tea and a Book?

Christmas whoop-de-doos are boxed up and stored away. New Year's shebangs are hibernating until next December thirty-first. Now what? All the fun and reindeer games are over and there's nothing left but Arctic cold and grey days.

**taps microphone, clears throat, ear-piercing screechy feedback from the speakers**

Good-bye January blues and hello Photo Contest!

Anyone want to win a BRENTWOOD'S WARD AUDIO BOOK and some English Breakfast Tea? 

Post a picture of you reading Brentwood's Ward. That's it. That simple. Or if you're really camera shy, just prop up the book in front of your dog or cat or stuffed animal or . . . the sky's the limit! 

Where should you post? Anywhere. Everywhere. Ideas: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Your Own Blog, Tumblr, yada-yada. Just send me a link to where you posted and I'll toss your name in the hat.

And yes, the most creative picture will get a super special secret surprise extra giftie. Why all the secrecy? What is it? Yeah, see, I don't actually know yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Deadline: January 23. The drawing will be here on my blog for Fun Friday.

Ready? Set? **gun shot** Let the picture taking begin!

Seriously, what else do you have to do in January?
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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