Choosing Rest

Dang. I wish I looked this good when I plop on the bed.
It's that time of year. Shopping. Parties. Caroling, cooking, decorating, wrapping and--ACK! Stop the merry-go-round. I want to get off. How about you? Are you ready to stop the holiday madness? Do you even know how to stop the madness?

Choose rest.

No, seriously, choose rest. Pencil it down on your To Do list. Write it on your calendar. Every day, set aside fifteen minutes of absolute down time. I'm not talking sit down on your fanny and whip out your iPhone so you can check your email for a quarter hour. I'm saying put your feet up and unplug completely, in a quiet room. Alone. Just you and your thoughts. Why?

Because creative people must have time to be mentally recharged. Downtime is essential to the mental process. Sound scientificky? It is, and if you'd like more technical details, read this article over at Scientific American.

Rest is too important to leave to chance, and at this time of year, that chance is miniscule non-existent. So just do it. Plan some quiet into your daily routine. Don't make me come over there.

I need to go put up my feet.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.



Failure is Not a Four-Letter Word