Day 13: Romans to Nazis (almost)


Hey, Premier Inn, either offer free wifi or don't. Your evil scheme of luring unsuspecting prey by offering only 30 free minutes doesn't work. It merely makes your customers cranky.

KFC is thriving internationally. I've seen more here than at home.

I'm hearing a lot of French in Dover. 

Can't see the coast of France. Too hazy.


9:00  a.m. Depart for Dover Castle.

10:30 a.m. Take a side trip to Brentwood. Why? What's so special about that little town? My new release in January is titled Brentwood's Ward, silly rabbit.

Noon-4:30 Tour every possible nook and cranny of Dover Castle.

4:30-6:30 Walk the white cliffs of Dover.

7:00 Find our Air BnB in Deal.

7-8:30 Stroll through Deal's town centre.


Lest you think that a man trap is a bottle-bleached blonde in a leopard print body suit, I'm here to set the record straight. Back in the late 1700's, early 1800's, hunting in most places was illegal. The landowner wanted to keep as much game as possible so his hunting buddies could come have a good time each autumn. It was the gamekeeper's job to make sure a wealth of furry little mammals and/or feathered friends were available, and poachers were his arch enemy. So a gamekeeper would set man traps. Think bear trap but without the sharp pointy teeth when it snaps shut. Even so, it would likely break your leg or cripple you for life. You'd be stuck until the gamekeeper came along to haul you off to the magistrate, where you'd either receive a sentence of getting shipped off to America or Australia (depending on the year) or a simple form of capital punishment, like getting hung. Moral of the story: say no to poaching.

What a stupid idea to walk the stupid white cliffs of stupid Dover. Why? I hate heights, and Mark is a daredevil, creeping me out by going to the very edge. Okay, so maybe he was a few feet away, still I almost threw up my Hobnobs. 

Speaking of Hobnobs, I've become addicted. They're called biscuits, which are really cookies in disguise, and taste kind like big, fat graham crackers. We've been through 2 packs since last week.

I visited Dover Castle once when I came over in 2000. It's changed. They've redone inside the tower with period pieces. I am amazed at the color. Why do I always think of the medieval period in black and white?

Anyways, this castle is rich with history, dating back to the 1st century Romans. King Henry was the noble who really got things rolling with the tower. The tunnels were dug during Napoleon's time and expanded during WWII.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Day 14: There Be Smugglers Afoot


Day 12: The Workhouse: Living on the Streets Might Be a Better Choice