Day 1: The Adventure Begins


Reykjavik, Iceland


  • Eating black beans for lunch on the day of an international flight is not a great idea.
  • People in Iceland are way less fat than slobby Americans.
  • Kaffitar in the Keflavik Airport totally rocks a soy latte...whoda thunk?
  •  Pinning feels like home.
  • If you visit the Blue Lagoon, it's better to refrain from complimenting someone on their tattoo. Wet back hair can swirl into some realistic looking patterns. Eew.
  • The top sides of clouds look like a mangy old mattress cover.
  • Keflavik Airport wins hands down over Heathrow in cleanliness, style, and friendliness.
  • Why is it whenever a car rental company wants to "upgrade" you, it's always a detriment? Sure, a BMW is a great car...but not a manual. In England. When it's confusing enough to figure out how to drive on the wrong side of the road without killing anyone and decipher how to work the GPS without killing your spouse.


7:30 p.m. left Minneapolis

6:30 a.m. arrived at Keflavik Airport near Reykjavik, Iceland (but really, in our Minnesota time, it was 1:30 a.m.) Had the best soy latte ever.

10:00 a.m. left for the Blue Lagoon

3:00 p.m. arrived back at airport. Grabbed some lunch, the strangest thing being a shrimp sandwich.

4:30 p.m. plane left for Heathrow

8:00 p.m. arrived in London

11:00 p.m. arrived at our Air BnB after driving around lost for a LONG time.


I hope to write this section each evening, when thoughts are fresh, but yesterday was a 36 hour day and honestly, when I saw a pillow last night, I didn't care. It was a whirlwind, mega-trek, never-ending day that was full of fun and adventure. I don't remember the last time I was that tired, though.

We spent 2 hours soaking at the Blue Lagoon, a natural hot springs near Reykjavik. I felt like a decadent rich person, just floating around. It was great.

We got totally lost trying to find our accommodations outside of London. Sometimes street signs are minuscule and remind me again why a single street needs to have two different names? We ended up calling our host and he drove out to where we just quit and parked. Nice fella.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Day 2: To Jane Austen Country and Beyond


When Typefaces Coexist