
I'm frequently asked who I'm going to dedicate my next book to . . . mostly by loser family members who are vying for position on the front page yet have never read any of my books to begin with. But today's query got me thinking about book dedications. What do they really mean? What are they all about? Is it merely a badge of honor to one up somebody at a cocktail party?

From a reader's perspective, yeah, pretty much. Readers want to know if they happen to know the name on the front page, or if they've really hit the lottery, if that name is their very own. After a quick looksie and discovering neither, they move on to the story and forget all about it.

An author, however, generally anguishes over a dedication. How does one narrow the field to a special few? Who does an author single out? Usually it's:

  • someone near and dear to their heart
  • a person instrumental in the writing of the story
  • devoted to someone they admire

Yeah, the list goes on, but those are the top three. Besides a name, some authors also divulge why they chose that person, and others only hint at a name. Here are some great examples:

You know how it is. You pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.

Not this time.

Because we haven’t yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are just crazy about each other/haven’t seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but will, I trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other….

This one’s for you.

~ Taken from Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys

For Colin Firth:
You're a really great guy but I'm married, so I think we should just be friends.
~ Taken from Austenland by Shannon Hale

Hi dad!
~ Taken from The Selection by Kiera Cass

To grandma for being my first editor and giving me the best writing advice I've ever received: "Christopher, I think you should wait until you're done with elementary school before worrying about being a failed writer."
~ The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer

To my wonderful readers: Sorry about that last cliffhanger. Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHA. But seriously, I love you guys.
~ The House of Hades by Rick Riordan

And my absolute favorite is from Tad Williams, author of the Otherland series:

Book 1 / City of Golden Shadow:
This Book is dedicated to my father Joseph Hill Evans with love.
Actually Dad doesn’t read fiction, so if someone doesn’t tell him about this, he’ll never know.

Book 2 / River of Blue Fire:
This Book is dedicated to my father Joseph Hill Evans with love.
As I said before, Dad doesn’t read fiction. He still hasn’t noticed that this thing is dedicated to him. This is Volume Two – let’s see how many more until he catches on.

Book 3 / Mountain of Black Glass:
This is still dedicated to you-know-who, even if he doesn’t.
Maybe we can keep this a secret all the way to the final volume.

Book 4 / Sea of Silver Light:
My father still hasn’t actually cracked any of the books – so, no, he still hasn’t noticed. I think I’m just going to have to tell him. Maybe I should break it to him gently.
“Everyone here who hasn’t had a book dedicated to them, take three steps forward. Whoops, Dad, hang on there for a second ...”

As for me, I haven't decided yet who I'm going to dedicate my upcoming release to, but I'm thinking about raffling it off at the next family reunion or possibly accepting bribes. 

Is that wrong?
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Not All the Voices in a Writer's Head Are Characters


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