Tidbit: Non-Fiction

I make it a point to read several non-fiction books a year because they’re “good for me.” They’re okay, but compared to fiction, about as tasty as a slice of Spam cheesecake with a side of toe jam. Quit your groaning. What sentiment did you expect from a fiction lover at heart?

So I’m kind of freaking myself out this week because I started a new non-fiction project, as in writing, not reading. Yep. Me. Non-fiction. Weird and a half. What’s up with that?

Throughout the years here at Writer Off the Leash, I’ve received many comments like, “Hey, you oughtta write a writing book.” Or “Why don’t you compile all these posts into a writing guide?” And my personal favorite, “If I mail you some Pop Tarts, will you put together a snarky how-to book for wannabe authors?”

After much soul searching and a quart of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey, I figured why not give it a whirl. I am currently hip deep in slogging through years of posts, deciding which ones are coherent enough to compile into a book about writing. My goal is to have it out by October. Of course, I don’t know a doggone thing about self-publishing, so I could be way off base with that launch date.

I’ll keep you posted, though, you faithful little blog buddies. Thanks for the idea, and feel free to package up those Pop Tarts. My toaster and I are ready.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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