Tidbit: Soiree Marketing


What cartoon bubble just popped into your head? Did it involve a smoking jacket and a chaise lounge with maybe a side of bon bons? Or an avant garde jetsetter sporting round spectacles, carrying on blasé conversations in a lazy Paris street café?

Newsflash: a writer’s life is NOT that glamorous. It’s pretty much wedging writing time into life with a tire iron. . . and a good portion of that time is spent on marketing. Hence, the Heart Deceived Anniversary Soiree.

Has this little venture increased sales? Beats me. Because I’m not self-published, I don’t see the numbers. Oh, I will, eventually, but honestly I have no way of knowing what marketing gimmick I try really pays off. That’s why I pick and choose what I want to do—like this soiree—because if I’m not having fun with it, then nobody will. The same holds true for writing.

If a writer isn’t having fun with creating a story but is merely writing for the market to sell a book, then the reader is going to pick up on it.

Trust me. I’ve read a few of those. Painful. The bottom line is to enjoy what you do, whether that’s writing novels or slinging hamburgers at McDonalds. It’s a choice. An attitude. Go out there today, little mongrels, and stick your head out the window of life with your tongue hanging out.


There's a famous Reverend in A Heart Deceived that tells Ethan, "God works powerfully, lad, but for the most part gradually and gently." What is that famous reverend's name? Hint: It's the same fella who wrote Amazing Grace.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


A Heart Deceived Soiree Winner


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