Why Are We in a Handbasket and Where Are We Going?

You think I make stuff up because I'm a fiction writer. Actually, the reason I'm a fiction writer is because life is so bizarre, I don't need to come up with oddball ideas. The real word is loaded with them, such as the recent trend of Topless Reading Parties.

Not even kidding.

Sheesh. As if there isn't enough erotica in print, are we now driven to the point of spicing that up by reading it in the nude? What's next? NO! Do not answer that. **walks over to sandbox and plants head...deep**

Awhile back I wrote about Silent Reading Parties, which I thought was an interesting concept, taking a solitary endeavor and revamping it into something a little more social. But reading topless? You can count me out for several reasons:

  • I get cold easily.
  • After four kids and fifty-one years, my girls have seen better days (sorry for the visual). I'm creeped out by what I see in the mirror. I certainly don't need to see what's hiding under your shirt.
  • M-O-D-E-S-T-Y. Yeah, I know. God made our bodies and they're beautiful and all that, but save it for your spouses, not fellow readers.
  • I don't want to participate in the degradation of books, because really, that's what this is.
Honestly, I can't believe this is up for discussion and I'm thinking of starting my own reading party trend: Cozy Sweaters and Chocolate Reading Parties. Anyone game for that?
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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