Writing vs. Storytelling?

Besides the obvious syllabic difference, writing and storytelling are two completely different animals. Just because you can attract a small crowd at a party with a sweet story about the time you bellydanced at a restaurant and you weren't even drunk does not mean you're qualified to write a novel. . . though admittedly, I've done both.

On the flip side, simply because you know the difference between a modal and a gerund -- yes, I am speaking English thank-you-very-much -- doesn't mean you have the ability to pen a bestseller either.

Think of storytelling and writing as two sides of the same coin. They are not at all like fat-jiggling sumo wrestlers facing off on a gym mat fighting against one another. As an author, you need to nurture both. You need to know the art of story and the craft of communicating that story. It's not an either or.

Craft books abound, as do writing workshops and how-to seminars, or even blogs such as this one (sorry...couldn't resist that little pat on the back even if it did cramp my arm a little to reach so far). These resources are in abundance to help you with the writing part of the equation, so I won't be beating that dead horse.

Storytelling is a little trickier. You won't find stockpiles of kick-butt storytelling wisdom on every street corner. Never fear, though. I found an interesting Ted talk that imparts a fair amount of storytelling wisdom. Grab a cup of java and take a quick 18 minute lesson on The Mystery of Storytelling by agent Julian Friedmann.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


The Secret of a Prolific Writer


Of Eggs and Baskets