Corpus Libris

Have you ever had the urge to hold a book in front of your body and snap a photo? Yeah. Me neither. But apparently there are humans out there that do.

CORPUS LIBRIS is a site devoted to those with such urges. Touted as "Books with Bodies," this site was created by Emily Pullen who was bored one evening in a bookstore back in 2008. Anyone can submit a photo. All you do is take a book and hold it in front of your body. That simple.

Some pix are hilarious. Others are, umm, slightly blush worthy. All are interesting. Pop on over and check it out. And if you're entertained, HERE is their previous site with even more pictures.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Separating Self-Worth From Words


Doing My Part to Prevent Scurvy