Just Say No

It's afternoon. Your eyes are droopy, but you've got to pound out at least 600 more words for the day, do a blog entry, write a thank you note to Great Aunt Gertrude, compose a grocery shopping list, and...oh yeah...answer those interview questions you promised to send last Tuesday. What will perk you up enough so you don't end up snoozing on your computer, leaving the waffly imprint of the keyboard mashed into your face?

As tempting as it is, do NOT reach for a cold can of Coke. Yes, my friends, today we are romping off the leash into the sugar-is-the-devil neighborhood. Here is what happens to your body when you slam back 12 oz. of Coke. . .

10 Minutes after Consumption
The full, glorious 10 teaspoons of sugar hits your system. Normally this much sugar ingested will make you want to barf, but the phosphoric acid in the soda helps keep it in your tummy. Oh yeah, did I mention 10 tsp. of sugar is your DAILY recommended intake?

20 Minutes after Consumption
Your blood sugar goes off the charts from an insulin burst. This makes your liver kick into overtime to dispel that poison by changing sugar into fat. Bad idea right before bikini season.

40 Minutes after Consumption
Woo-hoo! Caffeine backstrokes through your bloodstream, increasing your blood pressure, dilating your pupils. Zingy, eh? That's because the adenosine receptors in your brain are temporarily blocked, obliterating your urge to nap.

45 Minutes after Consumption
Dude! You're flying! No, really, because your dopamine production is crazy-go-nuts right about now, stimulating your brain's pleasure centers. Sound like a trippy visit to LaLaLand? It is, because this is exactly how heroine works.

60 Minutes after Consumption
Better toodle off to the bathroom because caffeine is a diuretic (translation: you've got to pee). Remember that phosphoric acid that helps you keep the sugar down? It also likes to snatch up your calcium, magnesium and zinc down in your lower intestine. So, while you're sitting on the toilet (or standing as the case may be), you'll be flushing away those nutrients that your bones could've used.

And now it's crash time. You're back to feeling sleepy and possibly a little cranky as well because your body wants another hit.

The moral of this little tale? Next time you're feeling sleepy, stand up and do a few jumping jacks, run out the front door and suck in some fresh air, chase the freaking cat around the table a few times. . . anything but drink the demon in a can.

Disclaimer: just so the Coca-Cola company doesn't sue me, this goes for pretty much any kind of pop. So there. They can all file for litigation.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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