How to Spit Shine a Manuscript

So, you did it. You delivered a 2 1/2 pound baby manuscript. You think it's adorable, that no one has ever set eyes on such a masterpiece of perfection, but just when you're itching to show off that infant to the publishing world, here's a note of caution...

Not everyone thinks wrinkly, mucous behind the ears, squalling newborns are cute. Usually you need to wait a week or two until they fill out a bit, aren't quite so twitchy, even learn to smile before others are irresistibly drawn to them.

It's the same with your manuscript. But never fear...I've got some surefire ways to spiff up that baby while you're waiting.

Top 3 Ways To Polish A Manuscript

#1. Send it off to 2 or 3 of your best editor buddies.
3 max. You don't want overkill in this stage. While they're critiquing it, work on something else. Put your mind elsewhere. Start a new story or fiddle around with one you've got in the drawer, anything but go over your recently finished book.

#2. Apply critiques.
Once you get those crits back, then --and only then-- may you open up your document and start implementing the final changes. Consider each one, even if you don't agree with it. And if more than one person comments on the same thing, it's a pretty good bet your reader would stumble over that pile of words as well. Change it.

#3. Print it out.
I know. I know. This final step makes greenies go into convulsions. It seems like such a waste to use up all that ink and paper on something you can just read on a screen. It's not. Reading a hard copy is inherently different than reading something on a computer. Why? I think it has something to do with how the planets align and magical fairy dust or something scientific like that. Whatever, it works. You'll catch things that you (and your crit partners) missed. Not even kidding. This works every time.

Sounds like a lot of work, right? Yep. It is. But fact: it is super satisfying when you hear back comments from editors that yours is the cleanest manuscript they've seen in a long time.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Factoid of the Writing Life


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