Thursday Tidbit: Trends

Keeping up on what's happening in the publishing world is a never ending quest for a writer. Well, a writer who wants to get published traditionally, at any rate. This past week there's been some seismic action in the ol' CBA, but never fear. I'm here to keep you updated.

Science fiction/fantasy fans are all ajitter with the news that Steve Laube bought Marcher Lord Press. Marcher Lord is the premier (only) Christian imprint focusing solely on speculative fiction. Personally, I think it's a good move for the company. Founder Jeff Gerke did a bang-up job starting this press from thin air, but he's also a writer and an editor. That's a lot of hats for one man to wear. Granted, Steve Laube is also the founder and an agent at the Steve Laube Agency, but I think he'll be able to pull this one off.

A new publisher has come squalling into the world through the motherly arms of Barbour Publishing, who's launched Shiloh Run Press. Shiloh Run will be the new umbrella for Barbour's full-length fiction line.

Another arm of Shiloh Press will be Shiloh Run Studios, which will focus on original direct-to-digital serialized fiction. The first installation will be a 13-part digital short series titled Hidden Falls by Olivia Newport.

So that's what's happening in the land of publishing. . . until tomorrow . . . or maybe in an hour.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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